Youth & Family Program

youoth and family

Green Gulch Farm is happy to welcome families back onto the land for Sundays, November 26, 2023 and, in 2024, February 18, June 9, and September 22.

Parents, caregivers, and children ages 3 – 12.

This program begins in the yurt at 10 am, includes time outside on the farm and in the gardens, and concludes at 2 pm.

Upcoming Dates

Sunday, Feb 2, 2025
Start Time Location Event
10:00 AM Green Gulch Farm Youth & Family Program, GGF 2/2
Sunday, Jul 27, 2025
Start Time Location Event
10:00 AM Green Gulch Farm Youth & Family Program, GGF 7/27
Sunday, Sep 28, 2025
Start Time Location Event
10:00 AM Green Gulch Farm Youth & Family Program, GGF 9/28
Sunday, Nov 23, 2025
Start Time Location Event
10:00 AM Green Gulch Farm Youth & Family Program, GGF 11/23


Suggested donation is $25 per person; no one turned away for lack of funds.


Pre-registration is required. Please use the Register Online button on the individual event calendar page.

Program Coordinators

  • Meikyo Chelsea True
  • Junsen Shelly Hughes

Contact Information:

Children's Verses

The Three Lamps:
I vow to develop a kind heart.
I vow to develop a clear mind.
I vow to honor the Triple Treasure.

Closing Verse:
Body like the mountain.
Heart like the ocean.
Mind like the sky.
—Eihei Dogen

In Support of Racial Justice

San Francisco Zen Center’s Youth and Family Program is committed to the work of anti-racism. We believe that benefiting from a racist culture is inseparable from being racist—and that we are either actively working to dismantle racism, or we are perpetuating it. Our work begins by looking within to find, untangle, and transform our own biases—and then taking action.

As part of a Buddhist institution and as parents and teachers, this means looking at our relational patterns, our curriculum, our policies, and seeking to intentionally disrupt white supremacy and white-dominant culture. As Ibram X. Kendi tells us, "To be antiracist is a radical choice in the face of history, requiring a radical reorientation of our consciousness."

We rededicate ourselves to opening our eyes fully to the hurt we have caused, taking responsibility for our own actions, and holding each other accountable for making real changes to our system.  We hope you'll take some time today to consider what this means for your family. We have included a list of resources to help you engage in this dialogue in age-appropriate ways.
