The Great Way Is Not Difficult
The Spring 2024 Practice Period at Green Gulch is an opportunity for beginning and experienced students to participate with others in an intense period of residential practice that centers around daily zazen, study, work, and regular one-on-one meetings with the teacher of the practice period. Weekly events include lectures, formal ceremonies, classes, oryoki meals (formal meals in the meditation hall), and gatherings with the teacher of the practice period. Participants commit to stay in the Green Gulch valley during the entire six weeks.
This practice period will begin with a formal five-day March sesshin and conclude with a seven-day April sesshin to celebrate Buddha’s Birthday, with the leader of the practice period—visiting teacher Kokyo Henkel. The theme of this practice period is the Third Chinese Zen Ancestor’s poem “Song of the Trusting Mind (Xinxinming),” and how to apply these teachings during zazen and in daily life. As the Ancestor says, “The great Way is not difficult for those who hold no preferences” and “The Way is perfect like vast space, where nothing is lacking and nothing is extra.”
Health & Safety Protocols
There are Covid protocols in place at Green Gulch, including vaccination and other possible requirements. Please review and follow the current Health and Safety Requirements.
To Apply:
- Please review the Practice Period Guidelines [PDF] before submitting your application.
- For questions or more information, contact the Abbot’s Assistant by email, at
Registration closed
- Non-refundable application fee: $30. This fee can be paid at the time the application is submitted. Or call the SFZC Reservations Office at 415-354-0360. Fee is waived for current SFZC residents.
- Practice period fee: $1600 for shared room, $2000 for single room as available. This fee is paid after acceptance through application. The notice of acceptance to the practice period will be accompanied by information on paying the fee.