Tess Taylor

Tess Taylor’s body of work deals with place, ecology, memory, and cultural reckoning. She’s published five celebrated poetry collections: The Misremembered World, The Forage House, Last West: Roadsongs for Dorothea Lange, and Rift Zone, one of the Boston Globe’s best books of 2020. Her book Work & Days was one of the NY Times' best poetry books of 2016.  In the fall of 2023, she published the anthology Leaning Toward Light: Poems for Gardens and the Hands that Tend Them, a collection of contemporary gardening poems for an era of climate crisis. In 2024-2025 she will serve as the Poet Laureate of El Cerrito, California. She lives and gardens just outside Berkeley, California.

For Tess' upcoming workshops please visit her website: https://www.tess-taylor.com/events-courses.