Stacie Overby

Teacher, Psychotherapist and Fellow Seeker, Stacie has been teaching Yoga since 2005. She is known for her deeply inspiring classes and heart-centered wisdom. With almost two decades of teaching experience in San Francisco, as well as a Masters in Integral Psychology from CIIS, she seamlessly weaves together Eastern Yogic Philosophy with Western Psychology, to curate an embodied experience on the mat through the physical, psychological, and spiritual, to awaken the intuitive wisdom within our hearts. Stacie leads retreats all over the world and offers an ongoing mentorship program for students desiring to go deeper into their practice.  Stacie also facilities an annual retreat for yoga teachers to reground, replenish, and redefine their intentions for teaching. In addition to yoga, Stacie maintains a thriving private psychotherapy practice in San Francisco, which continues to impress upon her the vulnerability and courage of the human spirit.