Gendo Lucy Xiao 玄道

Born and raised in Guangzhou, China, Lucy was immersed in the rich tapestry of Eastern traditions from a young age. Despite her years in the United States, her Chinese heritage remains a wellspring of inspiration and connection.
She began practicing at the San Francisco Zen Center in 2000, received priest ordination In 2010 and served as the head monk at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center in 2014. Her training spans both China and the US, where she had the good fortune to learn from Zen masters such as Ryushin Paul Haller Roshi and Sojun Mel Weitsman Roshi.
As both a Zen priest and a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Lucy's spiritual and healing paths are deeply intertwined, enriching her understanding of the interconnected nature of life. She divides her time between her holistic healing practice and teaching, finding joy in sharing the wisdom passed down by her ancestors.

She is the founder and guiding teacher of Harmony Zen a community dedicated to meditation, in-depth studies, and the cultivation of awareness in everyday life. To learn more about her offerings, please visit .

玄道 (Lucy) 老師生長於中國廣州, 於上世紀80年代與佛法結緣, 2000年始在鈴木俊龍大師創辦的 舊金山禪修中心習禪, 多年來有幸師從前住持龍心禪道長老和白龍宗純長老, 2010年剃度, 2014年在塔撒哈拉禪山中心任首座. 玄道老師為美國針灸暨東方醫學博士, 並創辦  Harmony Zen  禪苑, 在修行和教學上結合東西方元素, 別具一格.