Beginner’s Mind Temple/City Center Renovation

In January 2024, San Francisco Zen Center will embark on a large, much needed renovation project at 300 Page Street (City Center). We are very excited and grateful to finally take the steps necessary to care for this precious 100-year-old building. The project includes, among many things, a new Welcome Center, complete bathroom restorations, and adding a new ramp and elevator for broader accessibility.

300 Page Street will be closed for renovation beginning in 2024; however, the zendo will remain open so that zazen, Dharma talks, classes, and workshops can continue. Practice/affinity groups will also continue to meet. The aim is to maintain the continuity of our Dharma offerings throughout the renovation year, both in person and online.

Beginner’s Mind Temple Renovation Project

An introduction and overview of the project.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and details of the project and how it affects those visiting and staying at Beginner’s Mind Temple/City Center.