Meditation in Recovery, CC weekly meeting, Online/Onsite 2/17

Practice Center
Date / Time
February 17, 2025 / 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Event Type
Practice Groups

Meditation in Recovery will meet in a hybrid format—via Zoom and in person—on the first and third Monday of each month.

Monday Nights at 7:30

Join Online Meeting
Meeting ID: 886 966 3311
Passcode: Meditate23

Please join us at the usual time; log in five minutes before the meeting opens.

Mondays, 7:30 – 9 pm

This drop-in group explores the connections between Buddhist practice and recovery. The evening begins with a brief meditation instruction, followed by a period of meditation, a short talk and discussion.

The group is led by senior practitioners in recovery. Donation requested.

Meditation in Recovery sometimes meets on Monday holidays. The Mondays when the group will not meet will be posted on the City Center calendar.

Before attending, please review the Health and Safety Requirements.

Please visit our MiR homepage for more information about our weekly meetings, meditation instructions, and other special events.