Outreach & Volunteers at City Center

Kitchen Volunteers

Volunteer Activities

From the identifiable beginnings of Zen, working together has been an integral part of the practice. Work is one way to bring this practice out of the meditation hall and into the world, and is one of the most important ways practitioners can come together and begin to know one another intimately, forging the Sangha (community), which is one of Buddhism’s Three Treasures.

If you are interested in joining this practice by volunteering at Beginner's Mind Temple, please contact the Outreach Coordinator, Ellen Simpson, at ellen.simpson@sfzc.org.

Volunteering is an opportunity to experience working wholeheartedly in a practice setting while giving one's time and energy to the Sangha. Though not always open, these are examples of volunteer opportunities at City Center:

  • Bookstore
  • Garden
  • Kitchen
  • Library
  • Outreach

There are also volunteer opportunities at Green Gulch Farm.

Outreach Activities

Outreach programs at City Center include cooking and distributing meals to unhoused people; providing Dharma books, pen pals, and meditation classes for people who are incarcerated; and providing activities for families in transitional housing. We welcome volunteers for the following outreach activities. See below for details.

Open Sangha in collaboration with SF Night Ministry

Every third Monday at 5:30 pm at UN Plaza, SF Civic Center  (Leavenworth and McAllister)

Open Sangha is a non-denominational Buddhist outdoor worship service, held monthly.  Everyone is welcome. After worship, there is fellowship and a meal. Volunteers are needed for food preparation at City Center in the afternoon and to assist with the event at the Civic Center.  People are welcome to attend only food preparation, only the event, or both.

Book Sale

The proceeds from City Center’s biannual sales go to support SFZC’s outreach offerings, which benefit people who are incarcerated, families in transition, those in rehabilitation facilities, and others.

Activities with Children and Families

SFZC organizes field trips and other events for children and families in neighborhood transitional housing. Volunteers with ideas, energy, transportation, talents, and/or planning skills are warmly invited to get involved. Contact the Outreach office at outreach@sfzc.org.

Zen Center Prison Program

Prison Correspondence: We match people who are incarcerated who wish to discuss their Buddhist practice with volunteer pen pals. We are looking for people with an established practice, an understanding of basic Buddhist teachings, and about half an hour to volunteer a month. All mail comes through the SFZC office and you may, if you wish, choose a pseudonym to protect your anonymity. In addition, we have a fund which allows us to send Buddhist books to prisoners at no cost to the pen pal. Guidelines, a sample first letter, and ongoing support are provided.

If you are interested in the Prison Correspondence Program, please contact Outreach Coordinator Ellen Simpson at ellen.simpson@sfzc.org.

Sitting & Discussion Group for People in Recovery

Mondays 7:30–9 pm

A drop-in group for those interested in exploring the connection between Buddhist teaching, practice, and recovery work. See our Meditation in Recovery web page for more information.

Socks for our Neighbors

Join the Outreach team in distributing socks and other helpful items to our unhoused neighbors during Socks for our Neighbors. Socks will be unpacked and organized into care kits, then we will sit together and set our intention. After tea and cookies, those who choose to do so will be paired with a buddy to offer the socks and warm engagement to unhoused folks in the neighborhood.

New adult-size socks may be brought to these events (listed on the SFZC Calendar) or dropped at the City Center offices at 293 Page St. at Laguna. Please put donations in the bin marked "Socks for our Neighbors." Donated socks should be new and preferably white.

Socks and Hot Hands can also be sent via Amazon; please choose items from this selection of bulk socks and hot hands and deliver to:

Ellen Simpson, Outreach
340 Page Street, Apt. 207
San Francisco, CA 94102

Other Outreach Activities

We currently offer meditation and stress reduction classes at the Western Park Apartments (affordable senior housing), Civic Center Residence (a residential facility in the Tenderloin), and Lighthouse for the Blind.

We are very interested in creating and strengthening ties with local organizations and welcome inquiries. Contact Outreach Coordinator Ellen Simpson at ellen.simpson@sfzc.org.